HWA TOW Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic
2008 S. Cooper St. Arlington, TX 76013                (817) 261-9919
 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28
Now, we are accepting United HealthCare, Aetna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield
As acupuncture gains acceptance, more insurance companies have started including acupuncture benefits for their customers.  Many health insurance policies cover acupuncture treatments.  We´re happy to verify your acupuncture coverage with your insurance company if we have your health insurance information.
The information we need from you are as follows:
  • Patient Name
  • Patient D.O.B.
  • Patient´s Reason for treatment
  • Primary Card Holder´s Name
  • Primary Card Holder´s Social Security Number
  • Insurance ID#
  • Insurance Group #
  • Insurance Member Service Phone Number
and your phone number to contact after we find out your acupuncture coverage.

What if your insurance does not include acupuncture and what you can do to get coverage?

The insurance policy you have is between you and your insurance company. If you want acupuncture cover under your policy, you got to tell your insurance company.  The insurance company will listen to you because you´re their customer.  They can make changes at the next renewal of your policy, or risk losing your business.  You have the power to request specific line item coverage within your policy.

Also, be aware that sometimes the insurance company will include acupuncture as a covered therapy only if a medical doctor provides it.  For you information, in Texas, medical doctors are not required by law to have any training in acupuncture before they are able to provide this therapy to a patient.  As a consumer, you must request the specialist in the field, a Texas-licensed acupuncturist.  By going to a Texas-licensed acupuncturist, you are assured that they have over 1800 hours of specific training in acupuncture and traditional medicine.  Why settle for less?
Or, some policies typically cover acupuncture only if the treatment is performed with anaesthesia.  Most of the acupuncture treatments in the States are performed without anaesthesia. This means you´re paying something you do not actually have.  Request your insurance company to change these limitations so you can be more flexible to choose your preferable and trustful licensed acupuncturist.

Arlington Office
Ear Acupuncture
Herbal Med
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Gift Cert.
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|Welcome| |Arlington Office| |Acupuncture| |Ear Acupuncture| |T.C.M| |Herbal Med| |Services| |Fee Schedule| |Insurance| |Gift Cert.| |Specials| |Contact Us|