HWA TOW Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic
2008 S. Cooper St. Arlington, TX 76013                (817) 261-9919
 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28
Special Savings
1.  Weight Loss : $275.00
    Include:  4 Acupuncture treatemts + Auricle Acupuncture.
   Regular Fee:  $75.00 per acupuncture visit and $35 for auricle (ear beads) acupuncture.

2.  Quit Smoking: $275.00
    Include:  4 Acupuncture treatment + Auricle Acupuncture.
    Regular Fee: $75.00 per acupuncture visit and $35 for auticle (ear beads) acupuncture.

The special savings for Weight Loss and Quit Smoking package are nonrefundable and noncancellable.  The fee is paid upfront.   Acupuncture treatment once a week for 4 weeks.


Arlington Office
Ear Acupuncture
Herbal Med
Fee Schedule
Gift Cert.
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|Welcome| |Arlington Office| |Acupuncture| |Ear Acupuncture| |T.C.M| |Herbal Med| |Services| |Fee Schedule| |Insurance| |Gift Cert.| |Specials| |Contact Us|